Innovative, affordable, lifelong learning; for everyone, anywhere, anytime.
PakCanadian Cultural Forum (PCCF) was founded by Overseas Pakistanis in 2008, Rupee-a-Day School for Children a leading self-regulated project of PCCF. Through Rupee-a-Day School, we promote online education, maintaining high standards of learning and curricula.

PakCanadian Cultural Forum (PCCF) is a registered, non-profit, volunteer social-welfare organisation in Pakistan. PCCF has developed an online e-schooling system – Rupee-a-Day School. We are seeking collaboration and funding from government or organizations to operate Rupee-a-Day School for Children locally and build capacity to go global. A working model is ready; comprising; online courses, learners, website, iOS App, advertising and CRM-templates. We generate operating funds through welfare funds and subscribers. These funds are used to benefit participating schools, teachers and students. Subscribers learn at their own pace, from homes on laptops/smartphones. Considering our volume-based project; student enrolment fee *(01 Re./day) is significantly lower than traditional schools or tutoring.
Benefits of e-Learning are unmatched to traditional teaching methods. Learners benefit from Rupee-a-day School as a supplement (or replacement) to traditional learning; saves time, cost and effort. Courses are available 24/7/365. Course quality is enhanced using better material, technology, and methods. Learning is managed, upgraded, based on learning behavior. Rupee-a-day School imparts education through voiceover presentations, videos and tests online. It manages progress, connects learners to educators. Seamless integration across all user-devises is provided to learners. A Certificate of completion is emailed to the recipients.
Major Expenses Our education initiative and low recurring cost make Rupee-a-day School an ideal funding project and an opportunity to spread education to the masses. Collaboration or funding is required to develop and expand globally through interactive websites, learning management system, email campaigns, courses, and personnel. We develop in-house or buy quality educational courses from prominent developers and teachers around the world.
Socio-Economic aspect Millions of children/grown-ups around the world cannot afford a quality education. Their talent remains undiscovered. Rupee-a-day School can teach/train them for as low as $3.00 per year. We have an ‘Each-one-Teach-one’ program, wherein our Corporate and affluent donors can contribute. (see our philosophy).
Marketing Process We use bulk emails and invite people to our website to enroll in our classes or courses for their children.
Our Website is regularly being improved for interactivity and content.
Course Design: designed for the digital era; replacing blackboards using the best mobile technology/apps (TIN/SCORM) to create courses, focusing on long-term learning. We select pre-developed quality course material from Canada, UK, U.S., and Australia, etc. These are then customized, made interactive and uploaded for our pupilage. Additionally, Rupee-a-day School develops courses through collaboration with schools and teachers worldwide (see teach). We continuously add courses for everyone’s use; according to curricula, user-level, teacher preference, student requirements, etc.
Complete Project Plan, modus-operandi, funding forecasts, annexure, access to courses can be provided.